ancouver artist Khan Lee’s Red, Green and Blue is a sculptural installation that uses filtered light to animate nature. Drawing on broad references of horizon lines and landscape art, Lee enables passers-by to visualize the wind.
Building on a sense of theatricality, Lee’s installation acts as an elaborate set composed of three-dimensional objects that cast larger-than-life shadows against an enormous backdrop. Red, Green and Blue draws viewers into the intersections of artifice and nature with an abundant field of transparent cones fabricated from sheets of hand-folded plastic film. It is both painting and sculpture, using light filtered hrough red, green and blue lighting gels to project an immersive field of coloured, grass-like forms on the architecture of Offsite.
WESTBANK成⽴于1992年,是北美地区的领先房地产开发商,在温哥华、卡尔加⾥和多伦多、⻄雅图、上海、 北京、台湾、东京、⾹港和深圳均设有办事处,Westbank的建成和在建项⽬合计⾦额现已超过了500亿加币。Westbank对建筑艺术有着独特的定义,艺术是我们打造建筑的灵感媒介。Westbank始终秉承着⼀信念,即“⼀切形式和定义的美学与⽂化对于⼈类存在都⾄关重要”。在对美和⽂化创造的不懈追求中,Westbank已经不再单纯是⼀家房地产开发商,⽽进化成了⼀家⽂化企业。
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WESTBANK Projects Corp.
All rights reserved.