esigned by Perkins + Will, the idea for 707 Terry is to extend the Frye Museum into a museum campus, with the museum’s aesthetic running through the veins of a new residential project, creating the architectural expression for the skin of the building as well as animating the surrounding public space.
WESTBANK成⽴于1992年,是北美地区的领先房地产开发商,在温哥华、卡尔加⾥和多伦多、⻄雅图、上海、 北京、台湾、东京、⾹港和深圳均设有办事处,Westbank的建成和在建项⽬合计⾦额现已超过了500亿加币。Westbank对建筑艺术有着独特的定义,艺术是我们打造建筑的灵感媒介。Westbank始终秉承着⼀信念,即“⼀切形式和定义的美学与⽂化对于⼈类存在都⾄关重要”。在对美和⽂化创造的不懈追求中,Westbank已经不再单纯是⼀家房地产开发商,⽽进化成了⼀家⽂化企业。
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WESTBANK Projects Corp.
All rights reserved.